Good morning

I love mornings.

Not that I am your typical morning person. Nooo nono. I do not like waking up to an alarm.

But I love the feeling of a morning. The light, the air. It’s always amazing.

To be truthfull I didn’t quite have this relationship with mornings before Titus got thrown into my life. Before him I usually ended up staying in bed untill 12am on my days off. Sooo many mornings wasted.

But he showed up, so did a new set of routines, and I ended up not…sleeping til’ 12am.

Best. Life change. Ever.

Titus loves his routines. If I dont follow them he makes sure I do…no excuses.
No seriously he wakes me up at 07:00 (I get one hour mercy sleep in comparison to work days) and drags me out of the house for our morning walk.

Our morning walks vary in lengt.
Work days= half to one hour.
Off days= one to two hours.
Either way the mayority of the year its around where the sun goes up. And its stunning. Every time. Its cliche’ but true.

I think Titus apreciates it mostly for you know….all the birds.
There always seem to be more birds around that hour, which is great for me because I get to sit down and enjoy the “golden hours” (while Titus stares at birds for half an hour)

We go home, Titus gets his brush session, and I make myself ready for whatever’s up.

So yeah. Mornings are great, you should try it!

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